Deepen your body-mind connection to accelerate your results.
Integrated Treatments combine the classic Bodywork Treatment with your choice of Energy Work or Hypnosis.
Bodywork brings you into a deeply relaxed state, making it the perfect time to connect and heal through the deeper parts of your mind and energetic field.
Each session is completely unique! You can choose a theme or issue that you would like to work on, for example – pain, stress, or something that is negatively affecting your emotional state.
Together, we will search for the cause of this disturbance and work through it. The goal is to bring that part of you back into balance, therefore restoring your global natural equilibrium.

Have you made progress in improving your health and well-being but, for some reason, are having trouble getting to the next level?
Then an Integrated Treatment is for you!

Pricing Integrated Treatments
1 hour
150 CHF
**Coverage with Health Insurance
- 45 minutes of the 1 hour treatment is recognised by EMR, ASCA, and EGK under Craniosacral Therapy. This includes almost all Swiss health insurances.
- 15 minutes of the hour will be billed under Energy Work which is not covered by health insurances.
- Please clarify with your health insurance provider for further information regarding your coverage plan.

Book Your Integrated Treatment