Hypnosis is a beautiful state of mind that allows the deeper aspects of your consciousness to come forward with powerful information and opportunities for healing. This is how it works:
1. You will be guided to bring yourself into a very relaxed state where your conscious mind will take a well deserved break.
The conscious mind is in charge of planning, analysing, rationalising, along with being the home of your short-term memory and willpower.
2. In this deeply relaxed state, you will have an opportunity to directly communicate and work with your subconscious mind.
The subconscious mind is the home of your emotions, long-term memories, habits, and all of your behavioural patterns and programming.

Hypnosis is very versatile and here are some ways it is used throughout a session.
Deep relaxation
In order to create profound changes in your life, it is of great assistance when your mind and body are in a state of peaceful tranquility. It is very difficult to accept new information and ideas when the mind is running in circles about something else! Consciously dissolving the distracting thoughts and emotions allows your body and mind to be in a receptive state for transformation.
Regress to cause and fix it
Sometimes experiences, and their accompanying emotions get trapped or stuck deep inside yourself, but still affect your daily life. When you are ready to work through these and are in a safe and open state to allow them to resurface, this permits any positive aspects or lessons to integrate fully into your being, and the negative aspects to be gently released away. Even though you will retain a memory of this event, it will not negatively affect you anymore.

In order to change belief systems, programming and conditioning that impede healing and growth, there needs to be an introduction of an alternative. Visualisation exercises imprint your desired outcome into your subconscious mind, and for the subconscious mind, seeing is believing! This begins an energy shift into the process of change.
Sensory exercises
This is the accompaniment to visualisation work and melding the two together can create instant and profound changes. Seeing and registering a new belief with visualisation work, and then adding in the feelings and sensations that go along with it, solidifies the experience by creating new neural synapses which leads to powerful shifts on all levels of your being.

Past or Parallel life regression
This work is for those who are open to the idea that our energy (or spirit-self) does not cease to exist after one lifetime, and reforms to continue the experience of life. Working through an experience you feel connected to from another lifetime can create profound healing for you in the here and now.
It is of the upmost importance to know:
You are the only one in control of entering into a state of hypnosis. Your therapist is there to assist and guide you through the entire process.
You remember everything while in hypnosis. It has nothing to do with sleeping.
Your mind has an innate protective mechanism. No matter your state of mind, it is always there to make sure that everything you say and do is in alignment with your ethics and beliefs. Anything you do not wish to experience will not happen, and any information you do not wish to share will remain with you.

Explore three different services offered at Levation utilising hypnosis, each with their own unique processes and benefits.

Hypnotherapy uses a beautiful and calming state of hypnosis to assist in balancing and healing the mind’s negative programs and patterns.

Deep Dive Healing
Experience an extraordinary hypnotic state capable of achieving deep cellular healing, and relief from chronic pain and fatigue.

Ultra Height/Ultra Healing
Ultra Height/Ultra Healing is a beautiful process to experience a high-frequency healing for your mind, body, and spirit.